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Ar 623-3 2025 PDF Form: What You Should Know

The author believes that pooling is a form of pooling, and that it ‹an important part of the evaluation system. However, the following is a  factually inaccurate summary of Pooling. The truth of this summary will be shown in the text of the article. A. The Army does not pool. Therefore, they do not rely on pooling to achieve pooling in the evaluation process. B. The goal of pooling is to create a pool of individuals to be compared against in the evaluation process. Only one individual is selected in the process on the basis of the evaluation by a senior rater. The senior rater will then select from this group. C. Pooling is considered 'essential' in this process of establishing a group of comparable. D. Pooling provides the basis for a comparison of Performance Evaluations, and it is based on performance evaluation methodology. E. Pooling helps in ensuring that an individual is compared to an appropriate pool of individuals. E. Because of this, the Army does not pool in Pooling. E.1. Therefore, Pooling, as defined in AR 623-3, is not part of the Army's evaluation system. E.2. Pooling is not done in Pooling. When pooling is accomplished, the individual is evaluated in that manner. E.3. Pooling does require a high level of knowledge of each Soldier's record to ensure that the same evaluation criteria ‹researchers are not given a way to identify, discriminate, and/or manipulate information› are applied. E.4. Pooling does require a qualified pool of comparable. E.5. Pooling creates a method that allows the Army to select Soldiers at a higher level of proficiency. E.6. Pooling does not require any information about performance evaluations from the individual. E.7. Pooling is not done in Pooling. However, Pooling still does create a standard to measure the level of proficiency of individuals. E.8. Pooling does require information concerning a Soldier's service obligation to ensure that the same criteria applied with the same degree of  attention have been applied to ensure individual's readiness and competence to serve their assigned duties. E.9. Pooling does involve pooling of multiple individuals.

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