I'm General Ray Odierno, the 38th chief of staff of the Army. The Officer Evaluation Report (OER) system is an integral component of the Army's leader development program. It helps identify the best army officers with the strongest potential to lead the Army of the future. In 2010, the Army began a top-to-bottom review of the OER system. As part of that review, we conducted a holistic assessment of the Officer Evaluation Report. The review recommended revisions and refinements that we socialized with numerous general officers, multiple selection board members, and officers from a variety of organizations and agencies across the Army. The Secretary of the Army approved the final changes in January 2013. The new OER more accurately evaluates an officer's ance and potential. It increases rater and senior rater accountability and provides the force with a more transparent leader development and talent management tool. Evaluations are a critical element of the Army's leader development system, and it is important that we adapt the OER to changing conditions and our strategic environment. The video, which follows, discusses the revisions to the OER in detail. To facilitate a smooth transition from the DEA 67-9 to the new DEA 67-10, in the coming months, representatives from the Army's Human Resources Command will visit installations Army-wide to provide training on the new OER system. Thank you for your continued service to our nation and all you do for our Army. We are the best Army in the world because of your commitment, dedication, and sacrifice. The strength of our nation is our Army, the strength of our Army is our soldiers, and the strength of our soldiers is our families. That is what makes us Army strong.
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New oer Form: What You Should Know
The results of this survey demonstrate that the enlisted opinion and the officer opinion were the most concerned with their opinion of the new OT, with the highest percentage (79%) of the general officers expressing a high level of concern. However, the enlisted and officer opinions were closely balanced on the important role of the chain members, with the E5 rating being in a distinct minority. The enlisted opinion was less likely to believe that the chain had a positive impact than the officer opinion. (Read entire file) For further notes on this form, go to: AR 6822-4. For all German Officers, Form 709/Maj O6/O7; also see AR 623-4; The proponent agency is DCS, G-1. This form may require download to view. For ____________, this was a major review. For use of this form, see AR 623-7, 2–2A. Pursuant to the procedures prescribed in AR 670-3, this report is to be forwarded to the E6 and E7 rated officers. The O6 and O7 officers can refer to this form directly. Part II- OR/OT-Maj Officers for general This report summarizes the opinions of the three highest rating chains concerning: The chain must remain the same (DA Form 76-10 and GAO Reports, “Assessing Military Effectiveness In Training”, GAO 906-4) in order to maintain the integrity of the chain of command; Changes in unit procedures that should be considered to enhance the training mission have been identified; New OT-Maj candidates (1.0–2.5 years). The findings of the study revealed that the average rating chain length was 5.9 years. The longer the chain, the higher the level of perceived training effectiveness. The average length of chain for officers in general grade was 4.5 years, and for O8 officers was 4.8 years. The length of the chain did not directly correlate with a level of perceived effectiveness of their respective unit, except during the initial period of training.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing New Oer Form